And the radio man says...

Copyright Ian Shane

22 April 2010

Pop Culture Pop Quiz 1: Bond Villain or Rock Star

So this is another repost that was posted on the current, back in the day. This started out as a classroom project, and I thought that it would make a great blog post. I challenged my students to a pop culture pop quiz. Some did well. Others…well, there are no losers in this test. April fill month continues with Bond Villain or Rock Star Part 1, originally posted on August 18, 2006

First off, let me give you some context to this little exercise. I recently challenged my Intro to Radio Studio Class to a "Pop Culture Pop Quiz" to inspire them to think about things that they may not know a lot about.

As an on air personality, your listeners will ask you a score of pop culture questions, and you'd better know the answer. This is the first of soon to be many quick quizzes for my newbies.

Bond Villain or Rock Star

Identify the following names as either a Rock Star of Bond Villain. Don't worry; I'm not going to use a trick question, like Goldfinger (which is both).

1. Fugazi

2. Bjork

3. Blofeld

4. Rammstein

5. Jaws

6. Oddjob

7. Dio

8. Zorin

9. Dr. Rain

10. Col. Klebb

Jot down on a piece of paper your answers and compare them to the answer sheet on page 2. Good luck. MI-6 is counting on you.

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